Why we need a copy of your bill

Modified on Tue, 18 Apr, 2023 at 1:44 PM

To verify your use of our service we need to see your phone bill. Most importantly, we need to see the part of your bill which shows the 09 number you have dialled and the charges you have incurred - this is generally known as the 'itemised' section of your bill.

Please be assured that we have no interest in any other call / billing data so please feel free to remove or strikeout such information as appropriate should you wish.

The easiest way to provide us with the information we need is to download your full phone bill from your phone account and send us this as a PDF file.

Request a refund

If you have used our call connection service and are not entirely satisfied with the service you have received and would like a refund, please submit all of the required information into our customer services ticketing system by clicking 'Submit a ticket' and choosing 'Request a refund' and we'll take care of the rest!